Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women's Rights

Yale University

Social Sciences
United States of America

Yale Law School is pleased to invite applications for the Gruber Fellowships in Global Justice and Women’s Rights. Each year, the Gruber Program in Global Justice and Women’s Rights awards a number of post-graduate fellowships to Yale graduates. Fellows spend one year working on projects that promote global justice or women’s rights. Applicants design and propose their own projects in collaboration with a host organization anywhere in the world. These fellowships are open to all Yale professional and graduate schools.

It is recommended to schedule as early as possible, a preliminary appointment to discuss your project proposal with Mindy Jane Roseman, Director of the Gruber Program. These meetings are designed to assist you in strengthening your proposal. To schedule a meeting with Mindy, please contact Aleksandra Kopacz (aleksandra.kopacz@yale.edu). If you are not on campus, a phone or skype call can be arranged. At least a day before your meeting, please submit to Mindy a draft of your proposal so that she may review it and provide constructive feedback.

Terms of the Fellowship

Yale graduate and professional students in their final year and alumni of Yale graduate and professional schools (within three years of graduation) are eligible to apply. Fellows will receive a stipend of $47,500 for a 12-month placement, and airfare for one round-trip economy class ticket from the United States to an international placement (up to $2,000). Host organizations are expected to cover health insurance; if this is not possible, the Program will reimburse the Fellow up to $5,000 for health insurance expenses.

Applications for this fellowship should be submitted via the Law School Fellowships Common Application. Applicants must meet and/or speak with the Gruber Program Director, Mindy Jane Roseman in advance of applying.


  1. A proposed plan for the fellowship year. (Word limit: 1,500) The plan must include one of the following: (a) a proposal for a project designed by the applicant in partnership with a sponsoring organization; or (b) a proposal to work on an existing project with a host organization. The proposal should address the need for the project, how the project will promote women’s rights and/or global justice (e.g., contributing to the rule of law, human rights, or the promotion of justice in the legal systems), and how the project will be accomplished within the fellowship year. Of course, throughout your application, demonstrate why your experience and interests make you a good fit for this project.

SUGGESTED FORMAT – use sub-headings for the below sections, as appropriate:

  • Abstract. A one sentence description of your project.
  • Overview. Start with an overview paragraph that concisely sets forth the gist of your proposal (e.g., prospective host organization, country/location, nature of work). (Suggested length: 3-5 sentences)
  • Background. Provide background on the issue(s) and the type of work your proposal seeks to address. What makes this a significant issue/set of issues? Is there a particular urgency? How does your project relate to and advance global justice and/or women’s rights? (Suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs, depending on your topic and extent of explanation needed.) Wherever it fits for your proposal (e.g., under “background” or “work plan”– or as a separate, brief sub-section), explain why your host organization is an appropriate placement to carry out your project.
  • Work plan. Describe the actual work you will do – more specifically, set forth any deliverables or projects you plan to complete during your fellowship year. Describe your role within the organization – to whom will you report? With whom will you be interfacing, collaborating and meeting?
  • Timeline. If relevant, include a general timeline to complete your project. The idea here is to demonstrate that you and your host organization have given thought to how your fellowship time will be spent, and what objectives/projects are realistic during that timeframe. Please indicate your word count at the end of the document.
  1. A letter of support from sponsoring organization or supervisor, including:
  • a general statement of purpose and mission;
  • its interest in and commitment to the project, and the need for Gruber Fellowship funding to carry out the project;
  • the fellow’s immediate supervisor and plans for supervision;
  • the resources that will be provided to support the project (e.g., office space, computer, malpractice and/or other insurance); and
  • a statement addressing the potential for the organization to retain the fellow as a full-time member of the organization’s staff beyond the fellowship year. NOTE: Post-fellowship retention is not a requirement.
  1. A brief “personal statement” describing the applicant’s experiences with and commitment to global justice and/or women’s rights, aspirations for future work in these areas, and the ways in which the Gruber Fellowship will help achieve the applicant’s aspirations. Please limit to 500 words; please indicate your word count at the end of the document.

  2. Three letters of recommendation. For current students, at least two recommendation letters must be Yale faculty. Alumni must include at least one Yale faculty recommendation and at least one letter of recommendation from a current or former employer. Recommenders should upload their letters through the online application. They may also submit letters directly to YLSGruberFellowships@yale.edu¸ indicating applicant name in the subject line. Applicants should confirm directly with their recommenders that letters have been submitted in advance of the deadline.

  3. A resume or curriculum vitae.

  4. A current Yale transcript and transcripts from other programs from which the applicant has received a post-graduate degree. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. Please do not submit your undergraduate transcripts.


These fellowships are open to all Yale professional and graduate schools.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
12 September 2023