Global search portal for grants, scholarships and fellowships
Helping you find the right funding opportunitiesFree for everyone - no hidden costs or subscription fees
Why Grantway?An easier way to find the funding you need
A world of opportunities
Grantway is a global portal that gives you easy access to all relevant funding locally, nationally and internationally.
More opportunities in less time
Funding opportunities conveniently located in one central place for you to search, share and apply.
The most relevant matching
Describe what you're after and get matched with the most relevant funding opportunities for you.
Accurate and up-to-date
Cutting-edge technology make sure that you have the information you need on every funding opportunity.
Features to help you succeedSave and share your funding matches
Save your searchesEvery search you make can be saved – so you don't have to remember what you did or spend time documenting the details.
Save your favoritesEvery funding opportunity can be saved – giving you easy access to the opportunities that are of most interest to you.
Video meetingsVideo meetings make it easier to meet, discuss and collaborate – invite as many people as you want and meet for as long as you need.
You need an account to use additional features as they are unique to each user.Our accounts are free for everyone - no hidden costs or subscription fees.
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