Global Rhodes Scholarship
Yale University
The Rhodes Scholarship Trust was established through an endowment bequeathed by Cecil J. Rhodes in 1903 in order to bring outstanding students from many countries around the world to the University of Oxford. Rhodes Scholars are normally appointed for two years of degree study at the University of Oxford, depending on the course of study proposed (Scholars may choose to pursue a shorter, one-year degree or two, or alternatively to pursue a doctorate or a second Bachelor's degree). All educational costs, including tuition, relevant fees, and travel are covered by the Rhodes Trust. Two Global Rhodes Scholarships will awarded for 2024 entry to Oxford.
Graduating seniors and recent graduates, who are non-US citizens (but not citizens of any of the Rhodes Constituencies), not yet 24 years of age, with strong records of academic achievement and demonstrated leadership are encouraged to apply for the Global Rhodes Scholarship.
Application Information: All Global Rhodes applicants must apply for endorsement, in most cases from their undergraduate institution; for graduate and professional students in their second or later year of study endorsement by the graduate institution is preferred. Yale endorsement is given by the Yale committee for the Global Rhodes Scholarship and coordinated by Fellowship Programs at CIPE.
Universities are allowed to submit THREE NOMINATIONS for the Global Rhodes Scholarship.
To apply for Yale's endorsement for the Global Rhodes, we require the following to be submitted by the above deadline:
- CV/Resume (up to 2 pages)
- Copy of transcript (unofficial is sufficient)
- Submission of the Yale application via this database which includes 4 questions of no more than 250 words each.
- Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be academic
If you are nominated by the Yale Global Rhodes Committee, you will officially request the letter of nomination through the Global Rhodes application site so that we can submit it in time for the national deadline. Please see the official application instructions for more details.
TIMELINE FOR THE AWARDING OF THE GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIPS June 12, 2023 - Yale Preliminary Campus Deadline August 1, 2023 - Global Rhodes Official Application Deadline
Note the important change as of 2014 to requirements for the personal statement for the Rhodes: Applicants may not seek (or receive) from anyone any comments or feedback on essays for the Rhodes. (However, you may—and indeed are strongly encouraged to—talk over your graduate school plans, career goals, and personal aspirations with advisers and mentors before you begin a draft. Also, should your recommender request a draft of your essay to assist in writing in support of your application, you may share a draft; but you should at the same time ensure that your recommender understands that they may not in any way share any comments or feedback on your essays.) Failure to abide by the official rules will render an application ineligible. If in doubt, please seek advice from the Fellowships office. In general, applicants may wish to refer to Fellowship Policies when completing applications and essays.
Interested applicants should make an appointment to meet with Rebekah Westphal, Director of the Office of Fellowship Programs: Meetings by appointment.
Restrictions to Use of Award: Rhodes Scholarships cannot be deferred.
Special Eligibility Requirements:
- Graduating seniors and recent graduates who are non-US citizens not eligible to apply through any of the existing Rhodes consituencies, with strong records of academic achievement and demonstrated leadership are encouraged to apply.
- AGE: Upon 1 October of the application year, you must meet either of the below critera:
- You must be at least 18 and have not reached your 24th birthday OR you must not have reached your 27th birthday AND you have met or will meet the requirements for completion of your first degree within the last two years.
- To apply for Yale's nomination for the Global Rhodes, a minimum cumulative g.p.a. of 3.7 is required.
- Otherwise, the Yale committee will be guided by the criteria as stated by the Rhodes Scholarship Memorandum of Regulation for the US:
"Proven intellectual and academic achievement of a high standard is the first quality required of applicants, but applicants will also be required to show integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, the ability to lead, and the energy to use their talents to the full. "Mr. Rhodes believed that the last of these qualities was best tested through participation and success in sports. Participation in organized sports is not essential if applicants are able to demonstrate in other ways the physical vigor which will enable Rhodes Scholars to make an effective contribution to the world around them. Mr. Rhodes clearly expected such a contribution when he expressed the hope that Rhodes Scholars would come to “esteem the performance of public duties as [their] highest aim.” From this statement one may infer that he expected his Scholars to play an influential part in the betterment of society, wherever their careers might take them. It does not necessarily presuppose a career in the public sector. Mr. Rhodes desired that his Scholars be intellectually, morally, and physically capable of leadership in any field. "...Mr. Rhodes sought Scholars who were more than “mere bookworms;” he wanted their intellectual talents to be combined with concern for others. Thus, the Committees of Selection assign the highest importance to this blend of character with intellect."