Linda Spear, Ph.D. Graduate Scholarship in Psychology
Western Illinois University
Dr. Linda Spear earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology from WIU in 1971. In 1976 she joined the faculty at Binghamton University and later founded one of the earliest undergraduate neuroscience programs. A trailblazer in many ways, Dr. Spear was the first woman to earn the rank of Distinguished Professor at Binghamton University and she trained more than 50 graduate students for future neuroscience careers. Dr. Spear’s scholarly and professional accomplishments include more than 300 authored or co-authored articles, numerous national honors and awards, and service to many major national and international organizations for the advancement of science and neuroscience; many of these organizations she also helped found.
Dr. Spear returned to Macomb and WIU in 2011 and delivered a memorable colloquium regarding the impact of alcohol consumption on adolescents and their developing brains. Dr. Spear died in October 2020 and this award was created in her memory by her husband, Dr. Norman Spear, and daughter, Dr. Amanda Spear Hartley.
• Student must be accepted to the Western Illinois University School of Graduate Studies and enrolled in the master’s degree program in General Experimental Psychology • Student must be in good academic standing
Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
College of Arts and Sciences, Psychology