Discretionary Fund

University of Strathclyde

01 August 2022
07 July 2023
30 June 2024
Natural Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Medical and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences

Are you struggling to cover your essential living costs? The Discretionary Fund awards are non - repayable top ups to your standard student support such as student loan. If you are a home student or from the rest of UK you might be eligible for support from the fund.


The Discretionary Fund is intended for students who are in, or may be facing, severe financial difficulty. EU and international students are not normally eligible to apply.

The Discretionary fund assessment looks at your income and essential expenditure to see if you have a shortfall between these and if so, can the fund help cover this shortfall. If your shortfall is too large the fund may not be able to help with this because the fund cannot be the main source of income for a student.

Eligibility at a Glance*

  • A registered full or part time Undergraduate or Postgraduate student at the University of Strathclyde
  • Studying a course with a normal credit load of 30 credits or more
  • Applied for and had their application assessed for all statutory funding, including maintenance loans, to which they are entitled (typically SAAS support, the equivalent support from other funding bodies in the rest of the UK.
  • Is UK domiciled and meets residency criteria set out in the Education (Access Funds) (Scotland) Determination 2013, or is eligible to receive maintenance support under legislation applicable in other parts of the UK
  • The fund cannot make awards to assist students with travel costs related to periods of exchange or study abroad
  • The fund cannot make awards to assist with tuition fees *Full eligibility can be found in the University of Strathclyde Discretionary Fund Assessment Guidance
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
16 August 2023