Honours Year Scholarship

University of Stirling

Rolling deadline
Natural Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Medical and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences
Northern Ireland

Students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland can get a scholarship covering fees for their Honours year of study.

Background information

Our undergraduate tuition fees for students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland will be £9,250 per year. No-one has to pay this up front, and tuition fee loans are available through your relevant national funding body to meet the costs.

The good news is that if, having entered in Year 1 and progressed successfully through Years 2 and 3, students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland will then be awarded a scholarship covering the full cost of the fees for their Honours year of study.

That’s £9,250 less in tuition fee loans compared with equivalent length courses in universities in England and Wales. No application is needed, and the Honours Scholarships will be automatically applied in your fourth year of study.

And if you're interested in taking advantage of our five-star facilities during your studies, you're in luck. As a new undergraduate student at the University of Stirling, you'll be prioritised for accommodation as long as your application is submitted by the advertised date.


Honours Year Scholarships are available to all students from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland who have entered into study from 2018 and have successfully completed Years 1-3 at the University of Stirling.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023