Marjorie Moncrieff Travling Scholarsship
University of St Andrews
Miss Marjorie Moncrieff was Secretary to the Department of Zoology from 1954 to 1982 and has generously left a legacy to the University to fund travelling scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate Study Abroad students in the Faculty of Science.
Each year, one First Abroad Scholarship of £12,000 will be allocated to an eligible undergraduate student who demonstrates both academic excellence and financial need. Students will be asked to provide additional evidence to support their application, such as confirmation that they have completed one of the University’s Access programmes.
In addition to the First Abroad Scholarship, this fund will offer a range of award values to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science undertaking Study and Work Abroad programmes for credit. This includes both the St Andrews Abroad, School Abroad programmes and industrial placements. These scholarships will be awarded to students of academic excellence to whom Study/ Work Abroad would otherwise be unattainable. Scholarships will range from £500 to £5,000.
Scholarships will also be available to support students in Medicine or Science during the summer vacation period. Students must be undertaking extended travel which is directly related to their academic studies, and must be able to demonstrate academic excellence and financial need in order to be eligible. Award values will range from £500 to £2000.
- Scholarships are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculties of Science and Medicine, regardless of fee status, who are participating in an approved Study or Work Abroad programme. . Applicants will be asked to demonstrate both academic excellence and financial need. . First Abroad Scholarship: students will be asked to provide additional evidence to support their application, for example, confirmation that they have completed an Access programme such as Sutton Trust.