Goodes O'Loughlin UniSA GO Scholarship

University of South Australia

23 January 2023
05 March 2023
13 March 2024
Medical and Health Sciences

This scholarship is open to high achieving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students of the University of South Australia who are enrolled full-time or part-time in any of the following undergraduate programs:

Bachelor of Human Movement
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Clinical Exercise Physiology (Honours) Bachelor of Health Science
Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor of Podiatry
Bachelor of Business (Sport and Recreation Management)
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Exercise) (Online)

Or the following double degrees:

Bachelor of Human Movement, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills) Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Counselling and Interpersonal Skills) Bachelor of Human Movement, Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Existing recipients, who have successfully completed a bachelor degree in the health science area, may have their scholarship extended for one year upon admittance to a health sciences related honours program.

Recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merit (as evidenced by ATAR, STAT or performance in a UniSA College program) or Grade Point Average (GPA) for continuing students, and a personal written statement outlining:

  • Academic achievements.
  • Reasons for studying their current program - their interest in pursuing a health and/or fitness related degree program.
  • Describe any community service that you have undertaken or intend to undertake in the near future.
  • Describe your family heritage and your connection to community.
  • Future career goals.

Preference may be given to applicants who can demonstrate financial hardship.

The recipient is required to act as a positive ambassador for the scholarship to encourage tertiary education participation by other Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Continuance of the scholarship is subject to satisfactory academic performance and the recipient should maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 or above.

Value: $6,000 per year up to a maximum of four years ($24,000 in total) provided the recipient continues to meet the scholarship criteria and maintain satisfactory academic performance. Payment will be made in two instalments after the Study Period 2 and 5 census dates. Pro-rata payments will apply for part-time enrolment.

How to apply: Online applications will open 23 Jan 2023 - 5 March 2023 via myScholarships

Important: When you apply for this grant, you will automatically be assessed against the eligibility criteria for all of the grants listed within the Aboriginal Grouped Schemes table. Once you have submitted your online application via myScholarships, you will be contacted by the UniSA Scholarships team within 5-7 business days and advised what supporting documentation you are required to provide in order to be considered for the grant(s) that you have been deemed eligible for. Please note:

If you are eligible for a grant, it does not mean you will be awarded the grant. do not provide any supporting documentation until you have been advised to. For more information contact: Ask Campus Central
Tel: 1300 301 703 Email: askcampuscentral@unisa.edu.au

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
26 January 2024