G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation in Investigative Journalism

University of Regina

28 February 2025

The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Award in Investigative Journalism was established in 2018 to support internship students in Investigative Journalism.



The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation in Investigative Journalism will be awarded to a University of Regina undergraduate or graduate student who meets the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in the School of Journalism;
  • Will complete an internship in Investigative Journalism; and
  • Submits an essay of no more than two pages in length on why they want to complete an internship in Investigative Journalism. The essay must clearly outline the topic of the investigation, the anticipated outcome and why the investigation matters.

Note: This award will alternate between being available to an undergraduate student or a graduate student each year. If in any year, there is no eligible graduate student the award may go to an undergraduate student instead. A student can only receive this award once. The award will be presented in the semester that the student is completing the internship.

Application Information

In addition, students will need to upload the following:

  • Submit an essay of no more than two pages in length on why they want to complete an internship in Investigative Journalism. The essay must clearly outline the topic of the investigation, the anticipated outcome and why the investigation matters; and

  • UP TO DATE Transcripts, which include CURRENT SEMESTER REGISTRATION. University of Regina Unofficial Transcript titled 'Current Registration & List of Courses (Unofficial Transcript)' found in UR Self Service OR University of Regina Official Transcript from MyCreds. Please refer to the MyCreds | MesCertif learner FAQs for more information on fees and how to register.

IMPORTANT: If you are an entrance student with no grades yet at the U of R, in addition to the unofficial transcript found in UR Self Service or the official transcript from MyCreds, you MUST also provide a copy of your last institution transcript along with the grading key in order to be considered. You must combine these documents into one and upload them.

All of these items are needed for an application to be considered complete.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
02 January 2024