Higher order corrections for low energy hadronic cross sections and electron-muon scattering

University of Liverpool

22 March 2023
Social Sciences

The muon anomalous magnetic moment g-2, where g is the gyromagnetic ratio of the muon, is one of the exceptional cases in particle physics at low energy where a significant discrepancy between measurement and Standard Model (SM) prediction has persisted for more than 20 years. This discrepancy, now reaching 4.2 sigma, could be a compelling evidence of physics beyond the SM. In view of the new experimental efforts under way at Fermilab (USA) and J-PARC (Japan) to improve the g-2 accuracy, a confirmation of its SM prediction is now mandatory. Its hadronic contributions are under particular scrutiny, as they induce the main uncertainty of the SM prediction.

For this it is crucial to better determine the radiative corrections which are needed to describe processes like e+e- -> hadrons+gamma and electron-muon scattering. This PhD project is therefore focused on perturbative higher order calculations and their phenomenological application to these processes. It may also include work on the development of Monte Carlo generators for these processes.

The successful candidate will work in the Theoretical Physics group and work with experienced researchers and senior academics. They will become part of the fast-growing research group on muon precision physics in Liverpool, with several related projects across theoretical and experimental particle physics.

The advertised position is open to UK, EU and international candidates. Women and minority groups in STEM are explicitly encouraged to apply.

You will benefit from the comprehensive training provided within the School of Physical Sciences. EU or international students whose first language is not English are usually required to provide an IELTS (or equivalent) test score to demonstrate their proficiency in English. See link for full details Physics - University of Liverpool

To apply for the position please follow the instruction on this webpage How to apply for a PhD - University of Liverpool

Please make sure you mention Prof Graziano Venanzoni as the proposed supervisor on your application form and quote studentship reference: MPPR006.


Funded studentship:

The funding will be available for 42 months and will cover both the stipend and UK or international PhD fees. The project is expected to start in October 2023

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023