Kent County Agricultural Society Scholarship Scheme

University of Kent

Rolling deadline
Agricultural Sciences

The Kent County Agricultural Society organises the annual Kent County Show and supports a range of education initiatives used to promote the land based sector. As part of our wider charitable objectives, we have introduced a scholarship scheme for Kent based students studying for a degree in the UK. The Kent County Agricultural Society set up the scholarship scheme to help fund three students through their degree courses each year. The Society looks forward to working with these individuals in developing a pro-active group of youth ambassadors over the next few years.


To be eligible to apply, students need to be:

  • A resident of Kent at the time they apply for the scholarship. Any applications made by students who are already studying outside of the county will not be considered.
  • Aged 18 to 25 when they commence study on the course.
  • Students must be about to start the first year of their course.
  • Studying for a full-time college or university degree based course.
  • Applications will be considered in any field studied in the following areas.
  • Agriculture – arable and livestock
  • Horticulture
  • Forestry
  • Equine
  • Veterinary and Animal Management

Courses must be studied in the UK. Applications for international colleges/ universities will not be considered.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023