Barentz Food Science Scholarship

University of Guelph

15 May 2023
15 May 2025
Agricultural Sciences

Barentz Canada ULC. is a company that is constantly sourcing innovative products that meet the demands of North America’s dynamic industries while partnering with world class ingredient and chemical manufacturers to bring them optimized sales portfolios. Apply by May 15th using the OAC Undergraduate Fall Award Application Form with a copy of their resume listing their involvement in extracurricular and entrepreneurial activities indicating their demonstrated leadership, dates of involvement, responsibilities the nature of their involvement and impact. Please include your name and student ID and the scholarship name and award ID on your resume. Selection will be based on the breadth and depth of extracurricular and entrepreneurial activities. In the event of a tie, the student with the highest cumulative average will be selected.

Donor(s): Barentz Canada ULC. Value: 1 award of $4,000 Awarded: In the fall and the recipient must be registered to receive


Students registered in the Bachelor of Science Program with a major in Food Science who have completed a minimum of 14.0 credits and who have participated in a range of extracurricular and entrepreneurial activities such as (but not limited to): student clubs/ societies, have run a business, worked in sales, volunteer work, intramurals, and social groups are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated leadership in those activities.


  • College or Department Scholarship Application Form
  • Resume

Deadline: May 15

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
29 May 2023