Masters (PGT) EU Scholarship
University of Essex
This scholarship is for EU postgraduate taught (Masters) students, studying as new students in academic year 2022-2023 or 2023-2024, who are classified as international students for fees purposes. The awards offered are a discount of up to £5,500 automatically deducted from your tuition fees.
◼ These scholarships are restricted to students who are overseas fee payers and are entirely selffunded*. ◼ Students must be ordinarily resident (see below for the definition of ordinary residence) in an EU country. ◼ Students must be entirely self-funded. ◼ Students must be starting their first year of study on a postgraduate taught degree (Masters) programme at the University of Essex in October 2023 or January 2024. ◼ Applicants who have firmly accepted an offer of a place by 14 July 2023 (for October 2023 start) or 13 October 2023 (for January 2024 start) and met the academic conditions of entry, will be considered for these scholarships. University of Essex Page 2 of 3 ◼ Only one scholarship award can be made per student and the award cannot be held in conjunction with any other University of Essex scholarships. ◼ This scholarship is available for the first year of study only. ◼ Successful applicants should be available for promotional activities. *Students receiving a repayable loan to fund their studies will be considered as self-funded. This includes tuition loans from the following bodies: ◼ Norwegian State Loan (Lanekassen), ◼ Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN), ◼ Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) ◼ Denmark State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme.