University of East Anglia
MA Educational Practice and Research Scholarship
- Postgraduate Taught
- Courses: MA Educational Practice and Research (part time)
- Scholarships are only available to those working in eligible schools (a full list of these can be viewed below).
- You must be currently enrolled on the MA EPR and due to start the dissertation module in Jan 2024.
- One scholarship is available which will cover the cost of the dissertation module of the MA Educational Practice and Research (currently £2,815)
- Available for January 2024 entry
- Deadline for applications - midnight on 1 December 2023.
Applications will be assessed by a panel and scored on the impact the teaching practice will have on the applicant and how undertaking the course will support Widening Participation goals.
The Process
If you meet the Eligibility Criteria and would like to be considered for a scholarship you must apply via the online form. Applications will be assessed by a panel and scored on the impact the teaching practice will have on the applicant and how undertaking the course will support Widening Participation goals.
The criteria we will then assess applications on are:
- Identified potential impact on personal development;
- Identified potential impact on whole school;
- Identified potential impact on children’s attainment and
- Clarity of application.
You must provide us with relevant details of any relevant qualifications as part of the main course application process. If you do not provide us with the required information for application of the scholarship when prompted, or provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we will not be able to process your scholarship application further.
Provided we are satisfied that you meet our Eligibility Criteria we will apply the scholarship to your student account. No cash alternative will be given.
If we are of the reasonable view that you do not meet our Eligibility Criteria we will ask you to provide us with such proof as we deem necessary to make this assessment. You must supply us with the requested evidence as soon as reasonably possible.
If we are satisfied with the proof provided we will apply the scholarship to your student account as set out. However, if we remain of the view that you still do not meet our Eligibility Criteria, we will advise you of this in writing. You will still meet our requirements for entry into your chosen programme of study but in this instance will be liable to pay all of your fees without the benefit of the scholarship.