Instats Internship Opportunities

University of Adelaide College

Rolling deadline
Medical and Health Sciences
Social Sciences
New Zealand

Instats is a global leader in offering research methods workshops across the social, health/medical, and life sciences. Instats invites applications from ambitious PhD candidates in the social, health/medical, and life sciences for an enriching internship opportunity. Internships at Instats are centered around research-driven methodologies, and helping Instats deliver cutting-edge research methods workshops for the research communities that Instats serves.

Successful applicants will receive a supplementary stipend of $10,000 for 3 calendar months of part-time equivalent to support them through the placement. (Please note that this stipend will be paid in lieu of a University of Adelaide Research Internship scholarship.)


  • Identifying cutting-edge methods in your research field that would be appropriate for an Instats workshop.
  • Liaising with and securing involvement from the world's leading research methodologists to deliver these workshops on the Instats platform.
  • Assisting in the curation and development of content for the Instats platform.
  • Contributing to the quality and reach of Instats workshops.


  • Gain access to the full catalogue of Instats training for free, providing ample opportunity for professional development during and after the internship.
  • Network with the leading experts in your field, opening doors for future collaborations and professional networking (and academic jobs).
  • Gain experience in content curation and analysis of advanced research methodologies.
  • Remote working for flexible and efficient work arrangements.

Ideal Candidate Profile:

  • Within the first 18 calendar months of their PhD
  • Holds a keen interest in research methods.
  • Possesses excellent communication and presentation skills.
  • An ability to work independently and as part of a team. -Has strong analytical and critical thinking skills.
  • Previous experience in research methodology is desirable but not mandatory.
  • Where applicable, proficiency in statistical software and programming environments such as R, Stata, SPSS, Python, etc., would be useful.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
18 October 2023