Union County Community Foundation
Mary Lee & Ralph Evers Scholarship to UAMS fund was established in 2000 to provide scholarships to Union County students to attend the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
All application information is available through UAMS College of Medicine. Students who wish to be considered for an institutional scholarship must submit the UAMS College of Medicine Scholarship Application to the Office of Medical Student Admissions by May 15. Freshmen must complete and submit the Entering Freshman Scholarship Application and rising Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors must complete and submit the Continuing Medical Students Scholarship Application.
Each year, medical students in all four classes submit a generic scholarship application to the University of Arkansas College of Medicine Scholarship Committee.
For those medical students who identify Union County Arkansas as their permanent county of residence and give permission to release a photocopy of their scholarship application to non-UAMS foundations/corporations, UAMS forwards application photocopies to the Union County Community Foundation for scholarship consideration