Leon Tauman Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

The University of Western Australia

19 December 2022
06 March 2023
04 March 2024
03 March 2025
Natural Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Medical and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences
New Zealand


Mrs Merab Tauman (nee Harris) bequeathed funds to The University of Western Australia ('the University') to provide a scholarship, in memory of her husband Dr Leon Tauman, to encourage and assist eligible applicants to continue studies towards the French Studies major (Beginners Stream FRNHB) for the second and third years of their undergraduate studies at the University. Dr Leon Tauman held a Doctorate d'etat from France and was committed to the discipline of French at the University.


Eligibility requirements: To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, an applicant must

(a) be a domestic student;1 (b) have completed at least 24 points towards an undergraduate degree with units applicable to the French Studies major (Beginners Stream FRNHB2) including FREN1401 French Studies 1 and FREN1402 French Studies 2; and (c) be enrolled— (i) full-time unless the selection body is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances3 which preclude full-time enrolment; and (ii) in an undergraduate degree course with a major in French Studies. 1An Australian citizen or permanent resident or holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa or a New Zealand citizen. 2FRNHB French Studies major beginners stream units include Level 1: FREN1401, FREN1402; Level 2: FREN2001, FREN2403, FREN2404; Level 3: FREN3405, FREN3406 and FREN3813 or FREN3814. 3 Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, a medical condition or major family commitments.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
06 December 2024