Jennifer Arnold Memorial Research Award
The University of Western Australia
Friends and Relatives of Dr Jennifer Mary Arnold have donated funds to The University of Western Australia ('the University'), in memory of her service to The University of Western Australia and the Environmental Protection Agency, to provide a scholarship to encourage and assist an eligible high achieving student to gain a better understanding of the natural environment and its value by undertaking an honours or postgraduate coursework research project offered by the Faculty of Science through the schools of Agriculture and Environment, Biological Sciences or Earth Sciences.
To encourage and assist an eligible high achieving student to gain a better understanding of the natural environment and its value by undertaking an honours or postgraduate coursework research project offered by the Faculty of Science at The University of Western Australia through the schools of Agriculture and Environment, Biological Sciences or Earth Sciences, or the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University.
(a) demonstrate an independent commitment to biological or environmentally related concerns and (b) be enrolled, or eligible to enrol (i) full-time (ii) in an honours or master’s by coursework and dissertation degree offered by the Faculty of Science through the schools of Agriculture and Environment, Biological Sciences or Earth Sciences at The University of Western Australia, or in the School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University; and (iii) in the research development and/or research project units for the applicable course at either The University of Western Australia, or Murdoch University.