Jack and Eleanor Bendat Rural Indigenous Scholarship
The University of Western Australia
Jack and Eleanor Bendat donated funds to The University of Western Australia (the University) to assist and encourage meritorious Indigenous students from regional Western Australia to continue and complete their first undergraduate degree course.
To encourage and assist Indigenous students from regional Western Australia who have successfully completed 48 points of their first undergraduate degree course to continue study in a course at the University, including honours if applicable.
To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, an applicant must—
(a) be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia; (b) be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; (c) have completed the first 48 points towards their first undergraduate degree course (d) be from a rural or regional area of Western Australia. (e) experiencing financial hardship; (f) To be eligible to take up a scholarship, the recipient must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree course unless there are exceptional circumstances which preclude full-time enrolment.