B. Allison Scholarship in Sport Science, Exercise and Health
The University of Western Australia
Bette Allison has left a bequest to The University of Western Australia ('the University') to assist and encourage an eligible student experiencing financial hardship to pursue a Bachelor of Science with a degree specific major and second major in Sport Science and Exercise and Health.
- Eligibility requirements: To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, an applicant must— (a) be a domestic student;1 (b) experiencing financial hardship;2 (c) have completed at least 48 points, but no more than 72 points, towards a Bachelor of Science; (d) be enrolled, or eligible to enrol— (i) full-time unless the selection committee is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances3 which preclude full-time enrolment; and (ii) in a Bachelor of Science degree course with a double major in Sport Science, Exercise and Health.
1 An Australian citizen or permanent resident or holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa or a New Zealand citizen. 2 Financial hardship may be demonstrated by an applicant being in receipt of a means-tested Commonwealth income support payment (such as Youth Allowance, Austudy, Abstudy, etc.) or by submitting a statement of financial hardship. See https://www.scholarships.uwa.edu.au/students/undergrad/financial. 3 Exceptional circumstances include, but are not limited to, a medical condition or major family commitments.