Mensa Canada Scholarship Program
The University of Saskatchewan'
One award at $1,500, one or more at $1,000
Offered annually to students who are enrolled in full-time studies and are Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. Applicants must also be 18 years old on January 1st of the academic year in which they are applying.
Awards are based on applicant's essay.
Write an essay describing your career goals in 250 words or less. Your essay should contain specific goals (academic, vocational or career), indicate the course of study and post secondary institution which you are attending in the current academic year, describe the steps you have taken, relevant experience gained, and any difficulties you have overcome in pursuit of your goal. The essay may be written in either French or English and must not contain any form of the author's identity.
Applications must be sent by e-mail. Those recieved by any other means will be disqualified. For more information visit