Margaret E. Vanderhaeghe Award in History & Art History
The University of Saskatchewan'
Value $2,500
Number offered 1
Open to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Arts and Science with a declared major in History or Art History at the University of Saskatchewan.
A call for nominations will take place in the fall of each year. Instructors may select essays from 300 and 400 level courses that focus on social history, intellectual history, the history of Saskatchewan or the history of art and forward them to the awards committee for consideration.
Additionally, students may submit 10-12 page original essay (2,500-3,000 words) on one of the topics: social history, intellectual history, history of Saskatchewan, and history of art to the committee.
Eligible essays must be written in the current academic year.
Selection Criteria
Selection will be based upon the merits of the submitted essays.
Donor Guy Vanderhaeghe
For more information on eligibility requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts of Science.