Lenore Bailey Memorial Bursary
The University of Saskatchewan'
30 September 2025
Value $500
Number offered
Varies. Bursary funds may be split between more than one recipient at the discretion of the SDA Bursary Committee. If no eligible recipients have applied, the bursary will not be awarded and will not be carried forward to the next university academic year.
To be eligible, an applicant must:
- have previously participated in a Saskatchewan Drama Association (SDA) drama program, such as Regional Festival.
- be entering full-time studies in either their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of a post-secondary program (B.Ed.)
- be continuing in an Education Program with an emphasis on arts education, drama or theatre education in Elementary/ Middle Years or Secondary teaching areas.
- submit a letter of recommendation to SDA from the College of Education, Program Head.
Funds will not be provided to the applicant until SDA has received proof of registration in the applicant's 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of their program.
Post secondary students may apply for and receive the bursary in more than one year of their program of study.
Selection Criteria
Based on the merits of the application
Donor Saskatchewan Drama Association
Apply Complete an on-line bursary application at www.saskdrama.com.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
11 January 2024