James B. McGeachy Prize
The University of Saskatchewan'
Value $700
Number offered 1
Awarded annually in April to the author of a work or works of journalism published by a student of the University in any media, such as the press, radio, or television, during the twelve months immediately preceding the closing date of the competition. A committee, which will include a practicing journalist, will be appointed by the Department of English to judge the entries. The award must be accepted in some form, approved by the Department of English in consultation with the winner, which will encourage the furtherance of a career in journalism. For example, the award might be used to purchase equipment, such as a camera, or to cover expenses of a research project or tuition in a School of Journalism.
Dr. Barbara McGeachy in memory of her brother J.B. McGeachy.
Submit a summary of experience and two published works. Contact the Administrative Support Group in the College of Arts of Science at asg.studentawards@usask.ca for additional information.
Deadline May 15