Harry Colnett Scholarship Program

The University of Saskatchewan'

Rolling deadline

Value $3,000

Number offered 1

  1. The National Association of United Church AOTS Men's Clubs will provide funds for provision of one scholarship of $3000.00 for a Canadian or Bermudian student who wishes to study agriculture, food sciences or aquaculture, preparatory for services related to food production or distribution in developing countries.

  2. The major purpose of the scholarships is to provide financial assistance to worthy students, and thereby encourage good students to increase their interest in world food problems, and to obtain technical competence in some phase of the production and distribution of food.

  3. The money will be available to candidates enrolling in a university program in which emphasis is placed on some aspect of food production and processing, such as agriculture, food sciences, fisheries, home economics, etc.

  4. To qualify for a scholarship, the applicant must have completed a minimum of one year of study at an accredited institution. Applicants must enrol in a curriculum of an agricultural nature or otherwise related to the area of food production, processing, storage or distribution. The applicant must be a resident citizen of Canada or Bermuda and be enrolled for study during the 2011 / 2012 academic year.

  5. Applications and general information are available on request. Applicants should submit the following: a) A one or two page letter of application. It is suggested that this letter should provide the selection committee with the applicant's understanding of, and dedication to, service in the area of world food production. b) Transcript revealing course selection and grades achieved to date. c) Letters from two referees.


Harry Colnett Scholarship Program Attention: Jim Upright #10-4041 Saanich Rd Victoria BC V8X 1Z2
Email: jim@upright.net Tel: (250) 479-1101

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
10 January 2024