Harold Ross Saddington Memorial Award - Chemistry
The University of Saskatchewan'
Value Varies
Number offered Varies
Open to undergraduate students pursuing a four year Bachelor of Science degree or a four year Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree majoring in Chemistry in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Saskatchewan. Students wishing to apply for the Award should submit a letter(one page maximum) addressed to the head of the Department of Chemistry outlining the following information; high school, progress in major(i.e. number of semesters completed, number of Chemistry courses completed), statement of past participation within the Department, academic/career goals. Transcripts should be attached as an appendix.
Selection Criteria
Academic Achievement
Donor A bequest from the late Harold Ross Saddington
The Award will be advertised in September. Applications due by the end of the first month of classes. A minimum of 30 credit units of the required Major courses must be completed at the time of application.