MAROM: Scholarships for Students of Ethiopian Descent
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scholarship Description
The Council for Higher Education (CHE) grants the MAROM scholarship to encourage academic excellence among students of Ethiopian descent. Perah runs the program, which provides yearly scholarships for undergraduate and master students. This year (2022/23) second-year students were invited to apply (even if they didn’t apply during their first year). In such cases, funding will be awarded for the remaining years. For students who were born in Israel or have been in Israel for at least 15 years, first-year undergraduate students (lasting throughout their undergraduate degrees), master students (first year only), the scholarship will be 10,000 NIS/year. Recipients are required to volunteer: First year: 40 hours. Second year: 60 hours. Third year: 60 years. Fourth year (select programs): 40 hours.
Faculties:All faculties Degree: Bachelor's degree, Master's degree Academic Year: First, Second Scholarship Year: 2023 - 2024 Target Demographic: First generation for the academy, Challenging economic background