Klausner Scholarships for New Immigrants

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Rolling deadline
Medical and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences

Scholarship Description

The scholarships are intended for graduate students in the research track and doctoral students studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who are new immigrants. For the purposes of eligibility for this scholarship you need to have received Israeli citizenship after October 2016. Priority will be given to those who immigrated to Israel on their own. *The Klausner scholarship is not intended for returning Israelis. The scholarships are intended for candidates who graduated for the previous degree with "honors" / "high honors" (summa cum laude / magna cum laude). Also eligible to apply are those who started their studies for an accredited degree within six years after receiving Israeli citizenship, and who continue their studies for a doctorate no more than one year after completing their studies for an accredited degree. The scholarships are intended, as a first priority, for candidates who will begin their studies for a degree in the upcoming academic year, 2022-2023. However, the candidacy of new immigrants, as defined above, who are already in the course of studying for an accredited and doctorate degree at the Hebrew University, will also be considered. In this case, the scholarship will be given according to the number of years left for studies. The scholarship can be received for two consecutive years (for graduate students) or up to five years (for doctoral students), subject to reporting on their progress in studies. Scholars must study a full curriculum during the years of receiving the scholarship. The amount of the scholarship for winners - the annual scholarship is $22,000 (for graduate students) and $27,000 (for doctoral students) to be paid in shekels in monthly installments through the university scholarship system. In addition, the winners will be awarded a one-time sum of $1,000 for the purchase of a laptop in the first year of the scholarship. In addition, the recipients will receive an amount for participation in tuition fees according to the breakdown below (as long as the student is not eligible for exemption from tuition fees): a doctoral student will receive $1,500 per year for the first two years and $350 per year for the next three years; A qualified student will receive $3,700 per year for the two years of the scholarship. In the third and fourth year of receiving the scholarship, a special grant of $2,000/year will be made available to the doctoral students. This grant will be used to finance two trips to scientific conferences abroad. The grant for travel to conferences is intended solely for travel and cannot be used to increase the amount of the monthly scholarship.


Faculties:All faculties Degree: Master's degree, PhD, Doctor of Veterinary, Doctor of Dentistry, Doctor of Medicine Academic Year: All Scholarship Year: 2023 - 2024

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
21 September 2023