From Uniform to University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scholarship Description
This scholarship is available to students who served in combat units and other specific units, who have been discharged. It covers 2/3 of tuition for either a bachelor or master’s degree. The scholarship does not require recipients to volunteer or do reserve duty. Who may apply? Discharged soldiers who enlisted in the IDF after July 1st, 2013 and who completed their service and hold a “honorable discharge” certificate. Students may apply during the three calendrical years following their discharge (e.g. if you were discharged in August 2021, you can apply until Dec. 31st, 2024). Besides the requirement to hold a certificate attesting to their honorable discharge, applicants must belong to one of the following groups: 1. A discharged Lone Soldier; 2. A soldier whose family qualified for a stipend during their service; 3. Someone defined as a new immigrant during their service; 4. A discharged soldier from the Arab, Druze, or Circassian sectors.
Faculties:All faculties Degree: Bachelor's degree Academic Year: First Scholarship Year: 2023 - 2024 Required Commitment: ראה באתר