Benjamin De Rothschild (BR) Ambassadors Program
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Scholarship Description
The Rothschild Ambassadors program, established in 2010 by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation as its flagship program, is for undergraduate students, primarily from Israel's socio-geographical periphery, studying in institutions of higher education. The program's mission is to develop personal and social excellence in students who are committed to social activism and change, working with them and preparing them to be the future leaders of Israel, imbued with the values of humanism, solidarity, and a broad, inclusive perception of society.
Faculties:All faculties Degree: Bachelor's degree Academic Year: First Scholarship Year: 2023 - 2024 Required Commitment: המלגה דורשת 10 שעות שבועיות המתחלקות בין 4 שעות של מפגש קבוצתי ו4 שעות עשייה חברתית בשנה א' 6 שעות עשייה בשנה ב' ו8 שעות עשייה בשנה ג'.