Justin McCutcheon Scholarship

The Community Foundation San Luis Obispo County

01 December 2022
23 May 2023
01 April 2024
13 February 2025

The Justin McCutcheon Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 by his family to honor the memory of Justin McCutcheon and to recognize a high school student who is a senior member of a CCAA Golf Team. Justin planned to enroll as an agricultural business major at Cal Poly-SLO but died unexpectedly at the age of 19 after graduating from San Luis Obispo High School. While at San Luis Obispo High School Justin was a Tiger varsity letter golfer and earned All PacFive (now CCAA League) honors four consecutive years. A former teammate, Jack Galey, fondly remembered Justin when stating “He was definitely a comic on the course, he always had something to say . . . He was one of the guys who was the most fun to play with.” The $1,000 scholarship is awarded each year with the intention of helping its’ recipient’s transition to college.


Open to senior boys and girls who participated in the golf team at a San Luis Obispo County or northern Santa Barbara County high school that competes in the Central Coast Athletic Association’s league. Candidate holds the lowest stroke average in regular season matches at their school and plans to attend community college, four-year university or vocational school.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
09 October 2024