SmartSat CRC Higher Degree by Research Scholarships
RMIT University
Higher degrees by research (Masters and PhD) scholarships commencing in 2020 will work on applied R&D which aligns with the SmartSat CRC’s research priorities.
This opportunity is open for Masters by Research and PhD candidates.
Full and top-up scholarships of up to 3 years maximum duration are available to Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students who participate in the SmartSat Education and Training Program.
Students are expected to work on applied R&D which align with our research programs. The supervision team will normally comprise of the Principal Supervisor from the host university and, where practicable, an academic co-supervisor from another SmartSat partner university, and/or a co-supervisor from a relevant SmartSat end-user or industry partner.
All students will benefit from being a part of the graduate network, and an extensive professional development program that includes opportunities to participate in the SmartSat conference series and networking events. SmartSat CRC students will also benefit from being part of an organisation that links research and industry. SmartSat will actively encourage and facilitate students to undertake periods of placement with industry and end-user partners so they have both academic and industry-based research experience.
Scholarships are available for Australian residents. Non-residents will be considered, subject to project specific requirements. Australian citizens may be required for projects with specific industry partners. Applicants should have a first-class Honours degree, or equivalent, in a related discipline.