Jack Ward Scholarship
RMIT University
01 August 2022
16 October 2022
16 October 2023
14 October 2024
New Zealand
For Associate and Bachelor degree students in their second year or higher who can demonstrate financial disadvantage and other circumstance/s which impact their ability to study; worth $7,000.
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
- be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident or a permanent humanitarian visa holder
- have completed at least the first year of your degree by the official results release date in November in the year of your application
- be able to demonstrate financial disadvantage such as:
- receiving a government tested low income benefit or having a Centrelink Health Care Card
- be able to demonstrate circumstance/s which impact your ability to study such as:
- having a long-term medical condition or disability
- experiencing personal/family/social difficulties
- be from an interstate or rural/regional area and moving/moved to Melbourne to study at RMIT
- have previously/are currently living in foster/kinship care or are a ward of the state
- be from an under-represented background such as
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
- were born overseas, are from a non-English background and recently migrated to Australia
- current or former refugee
- completed secondary school at a School Network Access Program school
- have at least one year of full-time study left to complete
- not have previously completed a program at the same level or higher
- Students who are completing their first year of an associate or bachelor degree in the year the scholarship would be paid are ineligible to apply
- Students who are directly entering into second or third year of a new program with credit exemptions and who have not studied at least one full-time year of their new program are ineligible to apply
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
04 December 2024