Inder Kaur Scholarship

RMIT University

01 August 2022
16 October 2022
16 October 2023
New Zealand

For students who identify as a woman enrolling full-time in a bachelor degree program, who can demonstrate circumstances which impact their study; worth up to $7,000 per year.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must:

  • identify as a woman
  • be an Australian citizen, New Zealand citizen, Australian permanent resident, or a permanent humanitarian visa holder
  • be enrolling full-time in semester 1 and 2 2023 at RMIT in a bachelor degree program
  • have at least one year of your program left to complete
  • be able to demonstrate financial disadvantage such as:
  • receiving a government tested low income benefit or having a Centrelink Health Care Card
  • be able to demonstrate circumstance/s which impact your ability to study such as:
  • having a long-term medical condition or disability
  • experiencing personal/family/social difficulties
  • be from an interstate or rural/regional area and moving/moved to Melbourne to study at RMIT
  • have previously/are currently living in foster/kinship care or are a ward of the state
  • be from an under-represented background such as
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • were born overseas, are from a non-English background and recently migrated to Australia
  • current or former refugee
  • completed secondary school at a School Network Access Program school
  • be passionate about your educatio . Preference will be given to current or former refugees, or the child of a past refugee.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
04 September 2024