Master's Edge Scholarship
National College of Ireland
The Master’s Edge Scholarship is available to all final year NCI graduates and alumni who have completed a level 8 Honours Degree or Higher Diploma in NCI since 2011. The scholarship will allow students to avail of a 25% fee discount for a full-time master’s or postgraduate diploma programme, delivered by day, at National College of Ireland starting in January 2024. Note: SUSI would deem this discount an allowance from public funds therefore scholarship students would not be eligible for a fee grant from SUSI. I confirm that the above information is correct. I also confirm that I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions associated with the Master’s Edge Scholarship.
• No applications for the Master’s Edge Scholarship will be accepted after Friday 8th December 2023. • Students must be in financial and academic good standing with National College of Ireland by 17th November 2023 in order to be deemed eligible for the Master’s Edge Scholarship. • Only applicants who meet course entry requirements and receive the offer of a place on a course will be eligible for the Master’s Edge Scholarship. • Early applications are encouraged to optimise the opportunity of securing a place. All courses are subject to both minimum and maximum capacity constraints. If a course does not meet minimum class size and does not run, OR if an applicant is not offered a place on their chosen programme due to maximum class size being reached, NCI will, where possible, make an offer for an alternative day- time taught postgraduate programme in a cognate field. If the student deems this alternative course unsuitable or no alternative can be offered, NCI will rescind the scholarship award. • The Master’s Edge Scholarship will be offered for January 2024 only. The scholarship may not be deferred. • The Master’s Edge Scholarship is available to all final year NCI graduates and alumni who have completed a level 8 Honours Degree or Higher Diploma in NCI since 2011. The Scholarship is available to students progressing to full-time postgraduate programmes, delivered by day, only. • Students who are awarded the Master’s Edge Scholarship will have the amount credited against their student fees. • Students who have previously undertaken a postgraduate programme will not be eligible for this scholarship. • Students who don’t pay outstanding balances of their fees will not be allowed to graduate. • Payment plans for outstanding fees are available and can be requested from the Fees Office by emailing • NCI students who are eligible for the Master’s Edge Scholarship cannot avail of the €1,000 discount, nor use the Master’s Edge 25% fee discount in conjunction with any other scholarship or fee reduction. • NCI students paying International student fees should note that any Master's Edge reduction will apply against the full international fee and no other discounts or scholarships can be used in conjunction with it. • As the PhD programme is run in partnership with NUIM, NCI students or alumni enrolling on the PhD programme will receive a scholarship amounting to 25% of the total fee for the Master's element of the programme. Full fees will be required for subsequent elements of the PhD programme.