McMaster Exchange Ambassador Award for Undergraduate Students
McMaster University
About: We are looking for students to become Exchange Ambassadors to provide valuable peer mentorship for future participants in the McMaster Exchange Program. This award provides funding to support McMaster exchange participants in their study abroad endeavor while creating an opportunity for self-reflection and skill-building following their exchange experience.
Preference will be given to first-time outbound applicants who reflect the diversity of McMaster’s exchange destinations, academic departments and student identity.
Eligibility Requirements: A minimum of 60 Exchange Ambassador Awards are available to students enrolled in any undergraduate degree program who will be full-time participants in the McMaster Exchange Program this academic year.
Award Value: $1,000 Semester or Year Abroad exchange only.
- Applicant must be a minimum academic level 2.
- Applicant must intend to participate in a formal exchange during the NEXT academic year. -Applicant must be enrolled.
- Applicant must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.
- Applicant must be a current student.