Hurley Fraser Postgraduate Scholarship

Massey University

28 January 2023
10 March 2023
10 March 2024
10 March 2025
Agricultural Sciences

The funds for this award are derived from The John Alexander Hurley Scholarship (established from the will of Palmerston North solicitor Edward Hurley) and The Edith Fraser Agricultural and Horticultural Research Fund established in 1966.

Who we're looking for:

We're looking for someone who is studying in a field related to agriculture or horticulture.

What you'll be studying:

This is a postgraduate scholarship. You will be enrolled in a postgraduate degree or a postgraduate diploma. The focus of your study will be in disciplines relevant to agriculture and/or horticulture as outlined in this award's regulations.


You must:

  • be studying within a range of specific courses
  • have graduated with an undergraduate degree from Massey University

Application checklist:

Include the following with your application:

  • your academic transcripts for any tertiary study completed outside of Massey University
  • a statement on how receiving this scholarship would be of benefit to you and your study, and how you believe you meet the intentions of this award

Selection considerations:

When choosing our recipients, we will consider your academic achievements. We may also consider other scholarships or bursaries you hold. This scholarship may not be granted each and every year.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
09 October 2024