Manchester Metropolitan University
Two scholarships named after named after two of the most important figures in Manchester United history and honorary graduates of the University – Sir Alex Ferguson and Sir Bobby Charlton, will be awarded to new full-time undergraduate students enrolled on the first year of the BSc (Hons) Sport and Youth Leadership course.
The total scholarship awarded will be a full tuition fee waiver for the full duration of the course. Scholars will also receive a cash bursary of £1,500 per year for three years (paid in three, £500 instalments throughout each year).
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Before applying please ensure that you meet the required eligibility criteria and read and understand the key principles and terms and conditions.
To apply for this scholarship, at the time of application, you must:
- hold an offer to study on the first year of a new full-time BSc (Hons) Sport and Youth Leadership course at Manchester Metropolitan University in the 2023/24 academic year (please note this does not include Foundation year and does not include distance learning).
- be a UK home fee-paying student with a UK Student Support Number (English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish students).
- apply online to be income assessed by Student Finance
- be paying tuition fees under the new tuition fee regime of £9,250.
- be self-funding. Your course of study must not be externally funded.
- be able to demonstrate financial need. Household income must indicate that students are eligible for means-tested support from Student Finance with an annual household income of up to and including £42,875.
In addition applicants must satisfy one of the following criteria:
- be a first generation student i.e. from a family where neither your parent(s) or guardian(s) have attended university and - obtained an undergraduate degree or equivalent level qualification in the UK or abroad.
- be care experienced
- be a main carer for a family member or dependent
- be in receipt of disability benefits
- be in receipt of Education Maintenance Allowance or free school meals
- permanently reside in an area of high deprivation and low participation in higher education (you can check your postcode at the OfS postcode search. Priority will be for those in the lowest POLAR4 young participation quintile).
- are estranged: have not communicated with their parents for one year before the start of the academic year that they are applying for Student Finance or demonstrate that they are irreconcilably estranged from their parents.
Please note that the application process may be two-stage, with successful candidates from stage one invited to interview on a pre-agreed date in October.