New Zealand Grain and Seed Association Scholarship
Lincoln University
The New Zealand Grain and Seed Association established this scholarship in 2010 to provide assistance to students undertaking studies which relate to the grain and seed industry in New Zealand.
One scholarship will be offered annually to a full time student studying at Lincoln University. The current value of the scholarship is $5000. If a suitable position becomes available the successful applicant may be offered summer employment.
(a) The scholarship is tenable for one year. (b) It is an expectation that the successful candidate will take up the offer of summer employment if such a position becomes available. (c) The scholarship may be tenable with any other scholarship, award or bursary at the discretion of the NZ Grain and Seed Association.
(a) Applicants who are in their second year of study towards a Bachelors degree relevant to the grain and seed industry are eligible to apply. (b) Applicants must be New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Selection Criteria
The criteria for selection will be (a) Academic Merit (b) Interest in the grain and seed industry in New Zealand.