Margaret Watling Scholarship
Lincoln University
This scholarship was established in 1991 as a bequest from Mrs Mary Watling, who, throughout her life, promoted and worked for the advancement of parks and amenity horticulture.
The Margaret Watling Scholarship was established to support a student who is undertaking further study in amenity horticulture, ornamental horticulture, nursery management or any other closely allied field at Lincoln University.
One scholarship will be offered annually to a full-time student studying at Lincoln University. The annual value of the scholarship shall be determined by the Vice Chancellor. This amount will be applied as:
a. a credit towards tuition fees, or b. a fortnightly stipend for living expenses, or c. an amount towards travel for practical experience
a. Applicants must be full-time students (between the ages of 19 and 30) and registered in a Diploma in Horticultural Management, Bachelor of Commerce (Horticulture), Postgraduate Diploma in Horticultural Science or Master of Horticultural Science degree or any degree which includes courses in the field of amenity or ornamental horticulture. b. Applicants must be New Zealand Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Selection Criteria
The criteria for selection are:
a. Academic Merit b. Financial need c. Evidence of and/or planned activity to support the New Zealand Horticulture industry.
a. The scholarship is tenable for one year. b. The scholarship is tenable with any other scholarship, award or bursary