Manaaki Whenua Scholarship

Lincoln University

26 August 2025
Agricultural Sciences
New Zealand

The Kaupapa

The Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust offers this scholarship in conjunction with Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua with the aim of promoting education, training and development of Tuawhenua people. The Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust is responsible for 9000 ha of forest-covered lands at the headwaters of the Whakatane River, and has a real interest in developing people of the Tuawhenua for the future with a range of skills and perspectives regarding matauranga and forest, water and environmental management. Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua has similar objectives and they have awarded funding for this scholarship through the Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust as a reflection of our long-established relationship with this research and science institution. The primary focus for the award of this scholarship is in the fields of forest ecology, indigenous forest management and environmental sciences and practices, however, other more general fields of study or development, such as mātauranga, leadership and management, may be considered eligible for the award. If you think you can make a case to the Tuawhenua Trust that your development is relevant to the realm of the Tuawhenua then your application is welcomed for consideration.

What is the scholarship for?

The scholarship is not necessarily for study for a qualification at a tertiary institution, it could be awarded for on-the-job training or short courses. Each year up to $3,000 will be awarded for the scholarship. More than one person may be awarded the scholarship in any one year.


Who can apply?

This scholarship is open to all people of the Tuawhenua. It is left to the applicant to demonstrate their link to the people, hapu and marae of the Tuawhenua.

What can the scholarship be used for?

In general, the monies associated with the award may be used for the payment of study course fees and/or other expenses associated with study courses or on-the-job training. The Trust will consider the needs of each candidate according to the nature of the development being undertaken

How do I apply for the scholarship?

To apply, you can call us on 07 3663 166 or email us on office@tuawhenua.biz for the application form or you can download the form from our website.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
14 October 2023