Lincoln University Inclusive Education Award

Lincoln University

30 September 2025
Medical and Health Sciences
New Zealand

The award was established in 2002 to assist students with a disability, injury or illness to manage their studies at Lincoln University.

  1. Title The award shall be known as the Inclusive Education Award.

  2. Purpose of the award

The purpose of the award is to reduce barriers to studying at Lincoln University that the recipient may have otherwise faced. That purpose is to be achieved by assisting the recipient to meet costs of study and/or support costs related to a disability, injury or illness not fully met from other sources.



To be eligible for the Inclusive Education Award, a candidate must,

3.1.have had a disability, injury or illness, either congenital or acquired, for at least six months prior to making the application, and

3.2.be a New Zealand / Australian citizen or permanent resident, and 3.3.be eligible to be admitted into a programme of study at Lincoln University in the year following the application, and

3.4.register for a programme of study at Lincoln University in the year following the application. A programme of study includes any Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor degree, Honours degree, or Postgraduate programme at Lincoln University.

Note: Candidates may include people with physical, sensory or learning disabilities, a mental health condition, long-term injury or illness.


4.1.The award is tenable for one year. 4.2.Applicants may reapply provided they continue to meet the eligibility criteria.

. Criteria for Selection

The criteria for selection shall be:

6.1.the potential of the applicant to complete successfully the Lincoln University programme for which they have enrolled, and

6.2.the extent to which the applicant may experience barriers to studying at Lincoln University due to a disability, injury or illness, and

6.3.the extent to which the award may reduce those barriers when used for a specific purpose such as:

6.3.1. the purchase of assistive technology

6.3.2. the purchase of other support measures

6.3.3. gaining access to relevant medical treatment

6.3.4. the purchase of learning aids.

6.4.The selection panel may take into account the extent to which funding from other sources may be available to assist the applicant to study at Lincoln University when selecting the recipient(s) of the award.

6.5.The selection panel may give preference to candidates who receive less assistance from other sources.

6.6.The selection panel may take into account the ability of Lincoln University to support the needs of an applicant when selecting the recipient of the award.

6.7.The selection panel may refrain from making an award in any year if, in its opinion, no suitable candidates have applied.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
16 October 2023