Horticulture New Zealand Scholarships
Lincoln University
Every year Horticulture New Zealand offers scholarships that are open to students who have a special interest in the fruit or vegetable industry and are undergoing significant industry education.
In$10,000 HortNZ Postgraduate Scholarship This Scholarship is available to people undertaking postgraduate study in horticulture or related fields.
$10,000 NZ Fruitgrowers' Charitable Trust Postgraduate Scholarship This scholarship is available to people undertaking postgraduate study specifically related to the fruit industry.
$1,500 HortNZ Undergraduate Scholarship Scholarships are available to support people undertaking undergraduate study in horticulture or related fields.
Scholars will receive an all-inclusive professional development program including travel, accommodation and registration to the 2022 Horticulture New Zealand conference.
In addition, the top three applicants nationally will be awarded an additional $3,000 to support the individual’s studies as a Horticentre Trust Scholar.
For more information visit Horticulture NZ. 2022 the following scholarships are available:
Special Selection Criteria
All scholarships are tenable for one year.
Please note that these scholarships do not cover Wine, Arable or Amenity Industries.
The Selection Team will be looking for: Commitment, potential contribution to the industry, past achievements, individual approach, qualities and skills and Referees' comments.
Available to New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident Students