Love Your Career Scholarship


10 September 2024
10 January 2026
United States of America

Scholarship opportunity for students looking to love their careers!

Make plans now to love your career. Scott Jones, founder of JonesTshirts.com is a firm believer in the importance of loving your career. It affects every aspect of your life. Your family can see a difference when they know that you don't dread going into work everyday. You're happier and those around you are happier. It's important to start thinking about this concept early, especially while in college.

Scott started in the T-shirt business while in high school. His brother taught him how to make tie-dye shirts and together they would take their goods to sell at Grateful Dead concerts in Las Vegas and California. 24 years later, JonesTshirts.com is a leading wholesale provider of blank T-shirts and apparel. Scott stuck with his passion of T-shirts and has made a full time career out of it. We want to hear about your passions and goals for the future! We want to know that there are others out there who share the goal of living the dream of loving what they do.

Eligibility - You must be a student enrolled in an accredited college or University located in the United States.

If you are applying for the winter scholarship, you must be enrolled for classes during that winter semester.

If you are applying for the fall scholarship, you must be enrolled for classes during that fall semester.

You must follow all of the essay requirements and submission requirements outlined above in order to qualify.

Submission Deadline - All submissions must be received by the dates listed above in order to qualify for the scholarship.

Choosing a Winner - All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated by our panel of judges. Credit will be given based on creativity, originality, passion etc. The winning essay will be announced within 2 to 4 weeks of the deadline. Upon verification of eligibility, the student will be notified by email or phone of their award. The student's approved school will then receive a one-time disbursement of $1,000 as a scholarship for the winning student. The student is responsible to ensure receipt of funds by the school and notify us if such is not the case within 60 days of the announcement.

NOTE: In the event that the student's school would prefer to have the award paid directly to the student as award money rather than being paid to the school as a scholarship, we will do so upon request.

JonesTshirts.com reserves the right to terminate this scholarship program at any time without any notice. This scholarship program is void where prohibited. No private information from essay submissions will ever be sold to 3rd party organizations or used for any kind of marketing or other purposes.


Who Can Apply?

Any student who will be enrolled in a college or University at the time of the next deadline (see dates below). This scholarship is limited to students attending school in the 50 U.S. states.

Upcoming Deadlines

This is an ongoing twice a year scholarship. These will be the dates for every year moving forward:

Winter/January Semester: January 10

Fall/September Semester: September 10

Please follow the essay and the submission requirements EXACTLY as outlined below to qualify for review. (Essays that ignore these requirements will be disqualified)

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
17 July 2024