Ethnic Scholarship

Higher Education and Ministry

15 December 2025
13 March 2026
$500 - $900

$500 – $900 Designated for racial-ethnic minority undergraduates who have been a member of the UMC for at least one year and have a minimum 2.5 GPA.

GBHEM can help you reach you educational goals by connecting students with important funding resources within the United Methodist Church.

United Methodist students who are enrolled in a degree program at an accredited institution within the U.S. may explore scholarship options here.

Students who are seeking funds for undergraduate, graduate or seminary education outside of the United States should explore these options:

  • GRASP: Through the International Grants and Scholarship Program (GRASP), GBHEM offers funds to help offset the cost of education for students studying at a Methodist-related institution outside the United States. This is a need-based scholarship for United Methodist students in high school, college, seminary or university. Requirements and the full application are available here.
  • Young People’s Ministries International Scholarship: Administered by the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), this is a need-based scholarship for United Methodist students, ages 16-30, attending a university outside of the United States. Requirements and the full application are available here. Students will need to create a profile to apply.
  • The General Board of Global Ministries’ World Communion Scholarship: This scholarship provides limited funding for international students who are United Methodist or from churches of Methodist denominations with affiliate status with the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM). Full additional scholarship information students should contact GBGM by phone at 404-942-4026 or email at scholars@umcmission.org. To learn more about all of GBHEM’s educational opportunities outside the United States, visit our Global Education Programs page.

International Grants and Scholarships Program (GRASP) Through the International Grants and Scholarship Program (GRASP), GBHEM has established a program to help offset the costs of education for students studying at a Methodist-related institution within a Central Conference. This is a competitive, need-based scholarship for United Methodist students currently enrolled in a college, seminary or university.

GRASP applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a student in a college, seminary or university.
  • Be accepted officially to a Methodist-related educational institution or institution affiliated with the International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges and Universities (IAMSCU).
  • Be a member of a United Methodist-related church and receive the recommendation of its pastor or the school’s chaplain. Show evidence of good academic standing and engagement in the community.

Application Information

If this is your first time applying for a loan or scholarship with GBHEM, you will need to create a new account through the ISTS Portal before you can complete your application.

You can find more information about funding for students outside the United States by clicking here. If you have additional questions, please contact the GBHEM’s Global Education office at global-ed@gbhem.org.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
09 April 2024