Dick Allen Scholarship
Garden Centre Association
The Trust’s objective is to help people develop within our industry.
Applications for awards through the Dick Allen Scholarship Fund are invited in January and February each year. Delegates at the GCA Annual Conference in January hear about the previous year’s recipient and the opportunity for the current year with a short presentation from the Chairman of the Trustees.
The application must be endorsed and supported by the applicant’s employer. The GCA Trust will cover the full Congress registration fee but travel expenses will need to be met by the employer. Other than personal expenses and travel insurance there are no further costs involved.
This is open to young staff within GCA garden centres but excludes family members of the garden centre company. The recipient will attend the International GCA Congress and participate within the ‘Interactive Tour’ group taking part in discussions and gaining an understanding of how the centres within the host country (and centres from other countries, including their own, through the wider conversations within the delegate group) operate.