Bachtel scholarskip
Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
Rolling deadline
Dr. Harry Keig grew up to become a successful physician and surgeon in the Omaha area, but never forgot his hometown or the teachers who educated him. He also never forgot the life-shaping influence of his friend, Forrest Bachtel, longtime teacher and coach at Middleport High School in Meigs County. When Dr. Keig passed away in 2003, his bequest created a $500,000 endowed fund at the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio in honor of his friend, Coach Bachtel, to provide college scholarships for Meigs High School students.
- Two scholarships will be awarded in recognition of athletic excellence (one for a young man and one for a young woman); and
- Two scholarships will be awarded in recognition of academic achievement (one for a young man and one for a young woman).
- Each scholarship will be for a total amount of $7,500 ($2,500 per academic year, for three academic years).
- Must be a student at Meigs High School
- Eligible students must be nominated by the administrative or teaching staff of Meigs High School or a member of the Meigs High School parent-teacher/booster organization.
- Nominators must submit an official nomination form and a synopsis describing the student’s achievements and any known special circumstances to the Awards Advisory Committee.
- Nominees must then submit two letters of reference as well as his or her resume describing academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
19 April 2023