Matthew Flinders Statue Scholarship
Flinders University
The object of the scholarship is to:
assist, encourage and promote knowledge, education links, and enduring ties between Australia and Britain; promote international understanding and advance students’ academic development by enabling them to spend part of their degree overseas. This scholarship was established by donations to the Matthew Flinders Memorial Statue Fund.
Each scholarship will be AUD $5,000. Up to four scholarships will be available each year, two for British students visiting Australia and two for Flinders University students visiting Britain. The number of scholarships is dependent on available funding each year.
Applicants should:
- be full-time onshore Flinders University students enrolled in an undergraduate course in Australia, participating in an exchange program with an approved strategic partner in Britain*, or
- be full-time onshore students enrolled in an undergraduate course with an approved strategic partner in Britain, participating in an exchange program at Flinders University*; and
- enrolled in a full-time program of study at their host University while on the exchange; and
- have successfully completed at least one-year full-time equivalent of their undergraduate degree; and
- have a grade point average of 5.5 or more for Flinders students, or 60/100 for the inbound student. *Approved strategic partners will be determined on an annual basis, and details will be published on the Flinders International student exchange website:
Selection Criteria:
Applications will be ranked on academic merit and the strength of the personal statement in their application for exchange.