Local Government Professionals (WA) Scholarship

Edith Cowan University

11 October 2022
13 February 2023
09 October 2023
29 January 2024
Natural Sciences
Engineering and Technology
Medical and Health Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences

The School of Business and Law has a strong partnership with Local Government Professionals WA. This Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership & Management is a bespoke product with a local government context to support the sector, and in return, deliver benefits to the WA community. Financial individual members of Local Government Professionals (WA) are eligible for a 10% scholarship.

At a glance:

You must apply for this scholarship by emailing Arron Jackson before applying for this course. You must be a prospective ECU student to be eligible for this scholarship.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must:

  • be current a financial member of Local Government Professionals (WA) at the time of application into the Graduate Certificate of Executive Leadership and Management (L59)
  • remain as a member of Local Government Professionals (WA) for the duration of the course.

Terms and conditions:

  • Students must be a financial member of Local Government Professionals (WA) at the time of admission.
  • The scholarship (10% of fees) will be applied against each unit undertaken in the course for as long as the student remains a financial member of Local Government Professionals (WA).
  • This scholarship only applies to the Graduate Certificate of Executive Leadership and Management (L59).
  • The scholarship recipient must not also be in receipt of another ECU scholarship.
  • The scholarship recipient must be continuously enrolled in their original course of application and have and maintain an academic progression status of GREEN.
  • The scholarship recipient must pay their tuition fees within the stipulated payment deadlines. Failure to do so will negate the scholarship and the tuition fee structure will revert to full-fee tuition.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
05 December 2023