Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship
Deakin University
The Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University provides an opportunity for women from rural and regional Victoria, in financially disadvantaged circumstances, to study an undergraduate bachelor degree at Deakin University.
Round 1: To be considered for these Round 1 scholarship offers you will need to submit your application and all supporting documentation by 9 January 2023 at 5pm.
We will be aiming for full allocation at this round.
Re-offer Round: To be considered for any remaining scholarships, not taken up in previous offer rounds, you will need to submit your application and all supporting documentation by 2 February 2023 at 5pm.
All scholarships will be offered within six weeks of the Re-offer round closing date.
This scholarship offers cash payments up to $7000 per year.
The maximum value of this scholarship is $21,000 - $28,000, depending on the duration of your course (3 or 4 years).
Prospective candidates should ensure they meet all criteria before submitting their application.
To be eligible you must be:
- a female domestic student
- commencing in an undergraduate bachelor's degree at Deakin University in Trimester 1 2023
- enrolled full time in a Commonwealth supported place
- living in a Victorian rural or regional home location, or be relocating from a Victorian rural or regional home location to study at Deakin University
- in receipt of a Centrelink means tested benefit or have a personal/family taxable income below $56,000, depending on independence status.
As a scholarship recipient you must:
- maintain a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 60
- write an introduction statement about your goals for study and what it means to receive the scholarship
- provide a completion statement at the conclusion of your studies
- not hold another scholarship concurrently.